Monday, December 10, 2007

My ugly mug..

I had to appear on this video, it's a bit cheesy but I did enjoy being involved in the planning and scripting. The idea was to try and be true to the youth culture here in NI as we try to promote the visit of Franklin Graham in April. I was told to be dynamic and passionate, but then they just stuck my head in! I look like a moving target!

Bored over Christmas?

Just incase you get bored over the festive period, you might want to take a wee trip up to Exodus in Coleraine and join the Mannafest Team with special guests Reedstar. I'm excited about this event! Most of the guys in Reedstar are part of my Friday night Cell Group and I am a big fan!
Hopefully see you there.

Monday, November 26, 2007

I am so small!

I was preaching on Saturday night at an event called 'Ireland's Call' It was an outreach event with Andrew Trimble as the Celeb and me as the annoying preacher. For those of you reading across the pond, Andrew is a big time Ulster and Ireland Rugby Star. It was a great wee night. I think about 300 young people came along. The programme was packed with fun, games, prizes and a pretty good presentation of Jesus, through story, music, testimony and preaching. I had the amazing opportunity of ministering to one young lady who had an amazing encounter with the Holy Spirit during the appeal. In a grace moment, the Spirit gently came into her life and heart. It was so cool praying with her alongside her combination of tears and laughter. God is good. Fair play to Andrew who handles being a celebrity really well. He had queues of people coming to see him for autographs and pictures and yet he stays pretty humble and down to earth. Needless to say I just slipped out without anyone even noticing I was gone. Good times.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Way: Lisburn Youth for Christ

Really excited! This week brings the official opening of YFC's newest ministry. Lisburn Youth for Christ, formed only a matter of months ago are hosting the official opening and commissioning of The Way, Drop in Centre this Friday night. The Way is in the Longstone. An extremely broken, deprived community in the city of Lisburn. I guess I am posting on this to ask for prayer for the Board, Volunteers and Young People in Lisburn. If anyone would like to get more involved, help, support, pray whatever either give me an email or get in touch with Tim McAlister, my mate who has been pioneering this work with some other amazing guys like Dennis and Dinger. His email is

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Blind Skiing

One of the fastest growing sports among the disabled community is blind skiing. Amazing. I did a little bit of research on it and discovered that there are two levels of competition, fully blind and partially blind. I want to talk a little bit about partially blind skiing.

In a way we Christians are partially blind, listen to what Paul writes in Corinthians

"For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." 1 Corinthians 13: 9-12

When I learned about partially blind skiing I was amazed at how much it is similar to the Christian life. In Partial Blind Skiing, the Ski Guide goes before the competitor. He is ahead, first, leading the way. There is always the potential of a huge crash so this is what the blind person must to..

  1. Stay as close to the guide as possible. They can only see the shadow of the guide but that is enough, they chase the shadow of the guide.

  2. They must trust in the voice of the guide, they are completely dependent upon the ability, character and expertise of the guide.

  3. They must be responsive to the guides directions. If the guide says left, it's non negotiable.

I have thought a lot of the parallels between being a partially blind skier and following Jesus. My mind goes to John 10, when Jesus says, my sheep know my voice. The middle eastern shepherd went out in front of his flock and then called them to himself. The flock recognised the shepherds voice and moved in that direction.

King David had this relationship with God, he was like a partially blind skier in a land with no snow and probably no skiing!

The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Something you didn't know about me!

I love country music. Can't help it. It's a nature vs nurture thing. I was brought up listening to Garth Brooks and the likes and so now I have a secret love of Country Music. This week the CMAs were on and they were amazing. I think I love country music because the songs tell stories. Anyway Rascal Flatts got the award for Country Group of the Year. They are really good. I like this wee song. Oh, don't tell anyone. I am not ready to come out yet as a lover of Country!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Stuck in Porn

Tuesday 20th November: XXX Church, YFC & EA, with Worship led by BlueTree
Should be a fantastic night exploring the whole area of Porn and the effect it has on our lives.
It's at Bangor Elim Conference Centre and it's only 6 quid in.
Be there and be challenged.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Youth for Christ Update

So lots of people have been calling me and emailing me having heard bits and bobs about some changes happening at Youth for Christ. I am going to be sending out a prayer letter in the next couple of weeks, if you would like to be added to my mailing list you could drop me an email either with your address or email address and I will make sure you get the full update. My email address is

Anyway, financially Youth for Christ are getting it tight at the minute. Our finances have forced our Board into beginning a staff restructure. This has been a very difficult and challenging process and we are trusting God everyday for grace and guidance.

Personally this has been the most difficult and trying time in my life. It is stressful and heartbreaking. I am finding myself in a state of prayer more than I have ever been in my faith journey over the past ten years.

Please pray for us as we walk through this transition.

For me it is back to the drawing board to find prayer and finance partners. I am trying to raise 100% of my ministry costs (salary, travel expenses, resources etc) I am currently around 40% with a some new people joining my amazing band of supporters and ministry partners.
Maybe you would like to get alongside me and support both me but also the ministry of Youth for Christ. If so get in touch, any small amount would be amazing. I have some young people who give me just a couple of pounds a month to some business men who support me and yet hardly even know me.

Over the past month I have worn so many hats, I have been back preaching again, at Newcastle Baptist, the Crescent, Scrabo Hall, tomorrow night at True and this coming Sunday at Castlereagh Gospel Hall. I have been in countless staff meetings, meetings with lawyers, meetings with film makers. It has been a strange month but in the middle of it all I feel like I am growing close to Jesus, the reason behind it all. I have found myself loving the Cross and understanding more of Jesus Kingdom and it's relevence in my life. I am tired however to please keep me, Bec and YFC in your prayers. Thanks so much.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

24/7 Ireland Event

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Altar

I remember at Bible College a missionary came to class one day to bring God's Word to the students. He brought the well known text from Romans 12:1-2, challenging us to bring our lives as living sacrifices to God. That morning, this teacher, brought the text to life by adding the illustration of the priest placing the sacrifice on the altar under the levitical law. The priest, he said, placed the offering up onto the altar, the fire blazing in all it's power and heat. The offering would begin to get consumed by the flames, but as it got hotter, all the fat, the rubbish, would come out and cause the sacrifice to begin to slip of the altar. The priest would then reach down and with his two big tongs or forks he would push the animal back into the centre of the fire keeping it in the midst of the heat.
This offering is like our lives as living sacrifices. We get on the altar but when it gets hot and painful and all the impurity comes out we begin to slip off. We need some big forks to keep us at the centre of the altar allowing ourselves to be offered fully to God. These two forks, explained this inspiring missionary, are Discipline and Obedience. When we feel ourselves slipping of the Altar, as living sacrifices, we must get our lives back into a place of being disciplines and obedient.

Recently I have talked to a lot of people about the Altar of Romans 12, this week I climbed on to it. It is not nice and I want to get off but I am trying to be disciplined and obedient.

It hurts

Sunday, October 07, 2007


Been on a great wee journey this past month or so working alongside Alain and John, giving leadership to True, a missional community for the 20s & 30s in our church.
The true blog is now active

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Kingdom Builders

Just home from meeting with a bunch of business men in Belfast. It was a foreign culture for me. Put me in front of a thousand kids and I am fine but business men in suits well I was out of my comfort zone to say the least. These guys collectively release hundreds of thousands of quid into the Kingdom of God. It was amazing to see the other side of ministry. I am so used to being on the front end doing the delivery but today I spent time sitting on the other side of the Kingdom spectrum, meeting with the releasers, the supporters and fuel supply of the work of the Gospel. It was an amazing experience to learn what drives these guys, to see and hear their hearts and then to realise that they go back to their mission fields of running companies and investing in properties and all that stuff. A few years ago I probably woulld have been so synical of the wealthy and not understood the Christian wealth, but I am learning and I am understanding. Today I was humbled to be around great Kingdom people. Thanking Jesus for his creative ability placed in peoples hearts to generate money and resource for the advancement of the Gospel.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Seven days without prayer makes one weak!

I passed a church who displayed a poster with the statement 'seven days without prayer makes one weak' Pretty accurate if you ask me. I have noticed that when life gets hectic I justify skipping my prayer times, usually for spiritual reasons and then when my day gets busy, stressful and crazy I feel myself falling apart. I was stressed to the max last week and this little slogan came back to me along with the whisper of Jesus as he reminded me, if only I had spent more time at His throne, I would not need to worry about anything. Anyway, I think what I am trying to say is that I need to pray more.

Why am I telling you that, I don't really know but I think it is part of the journey I am on at the moment to be real, honest and authentic as a follower of Jesus.

Last week Alain Emerson, John McMullen and myself launched a new ministry in our church Emmanuel. The ministry, called True, is a missional community of twenty and thirty somethings, seeking to understand the teachings of Jesus and call to follow and obey. Our first night was awesome, with a sense of authenticity and truth coming through in a relaxed community gathering. Our goal is to see new forms of Mission rise up within our church for the glory of God and the furtherance of the Kingdom. I'll keep you posted on the journey.

Talking of Prayer, I had a real answer to prayer this week. In my last prayer letter I asked if anyone would have the capacity to resource my ministry with a new computer. My desktop was falling apart and things are tight financially. Anyway this week I had an email from a dear brother in the Lord who had it on his heart to meet this need. I was so touched by my friend's kindness. I don't want to mention his name because I know he would be annoyed if anyone other than Jesus got the glory. It was such an expression of love and support, friendship and Jesus. When I got my lovely shiny new laptop I found myself without words. I am so used to people being kind and caring but this was a whole new experience. I have been so challenged about my own giving through this and also the need to free up more money to bless others, knowing how much this Kingdom living stuff impacts lives.

Check out my shiny new laptop. It is sweet.

Thanks Jesus

Finally I want to mention my golf outing on Friday. Every week I meet with a group of Christian friends and we usually eat some lunch together and talk about life, marriage, ministry and rugby but last week we decided to free up some time and go for a game of Golf, well remedial golf at best. We were rubbish but we had so much fun, laughing and joking and making holes in the beautiful fairways. I am so thankful to God for all these guys. We sweat and bleed together every week on the rugby field, we share and pray together, we eat food together and we are there for each other. It is wonderful to have friends.

This is my bro Glen and big Mike, I still don't know how they fitted in to this buggy


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Update: All over the place!

I know, its been ages, I'm sorry, no excuses. It seems that for the last few weeks I have allowed things to get out of control. I have been jumping from meeting to meeting, I am in the middle of staff appraisals, preaching, fundraisers and on top of that Rebecca and I have moved in with my in-laws in Belfast. Hectic would not be a detailed enough adjective. The sheer pace of life since the beginning of September has increased expenentially. I am shattered.

I am now beginning to understand something of what it might mean for me to lead an organisation. The learning curve at the moment is vertical and the grace being afforded to me by the Lord is unbelievable.

So anyway, apart from this I am doing, sorry, we are doing ok. Bec and I have been managing to keep some time for ourselves and I am thankful that this is one discipline I have no problem keeping. Spiritually I am doing ok too, being in Russia was a helpful litmus test on my faith and also a time to tune in again to God and his communications.

Thankfully Cell started back on Monday night. I love my homegroup. We are such a random bunch of people, with very little in common other than Jesus, but it works. We love being together, praying, caring even loving each other. I meet God in Cell, I find little bits of his heart in community and in sharing life with others.

Rugby is now back full swing with a big game on Saturday with our local rivals. I am thinking that I might make this my last season as a player and possibly next year try something new, maybe walking or marathons, maybe golf or something, don't know what yet. We'll see.

Reached my target weight at the beginning of this month. I am now just under 13.5 stone. So what you say, well four and a bit months ago when I started this fitness thing I was weighing in at 16.5 stone. So I've shed a full three stone...and going. It has been such a spiritual journey for me, finding prayer and communications with God important. Who'd have thought? A sixpack? Maybe some day!! Anyway, thanks to everyone for encouraging me on this wee mini journey.

So long term Becs and I don't know what we are doing, we still feel this sense of God not giving us permission to settle down. Getting our house sold has become something of a spiritual battle and we have a sense of God saying he wants us to stay in Emmanuel, get involved and be creative about everything else. So we are now like proper city slickers, living in the city during the week and then home to the country for the weekend... all I need now is the BMW

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Russian Reflections after Re-entry

I was on the phone to Canada yesterday and my friend Marj was giving me a bit of stick for not blogging enough. She's right, I've been getting lazy. Time to type!

So I'm back from Moscow. It was an amazing experience and it has changed me. I've been thinking about what I would write in this blog for a couple of days and to be honest even as I type I am not sure what I am supposed to say and what I am supposed to treasure in my heart.

Maybe I should start by telling you what we were doing and why we were there.
On Monday morning at 5am Malcolm (Regional Director YFC Eastern Europe) and I left Belfast and flew to Moscow via Heathrow. Malcolm is a visionary leader who is pioneering new ministry through local teams of youth and childrens workers working with Kids at Risk. YFC have a small team in Moscow and the purpose of this trip was meet with senior church leaders and organisations to talk about strategy and partnership in working with these broken young kids in Eastern Europe. YFC's vision in this region is to equip local churches for working in this specific area of ministry. It was an action packed three days beating around Moscow and its underground metro in temperatures in the high 30s. Here are some pics.
This is Pastor Pavel Okara. He leads the Pentacostal Union in Russia. This is a movement of about 3000 believers worshipping in churches all across the nation. Pavel was an awesome man of God with a real heart for Jesus. The Pentacostal church is one of the strongest protestant churches in Russia. Although everything here in terms of church is small. Only about 1 or 2 % of the population is evangelical. These guys like most of the guys we met are amazing, serving the Lord and reaching the world, but the reality is they are only scratching the surface. Moscow alone has only 200 churches for its 15 million of a population, thats the equivilent of 1 church for every 75,000 people, slightly different that here in Ulster. Russia needs the gospel.
This is Malcolm and I in Red Square. Amazing to stand in the bastion of Communism on our way back from McDonalds. It was a beautiful place to visit. Today the Kremlin (over my right shoulder) is occupied by Mr Putin, another power crazed Russian leader, we need to pray that his successor will be more open to God. Christians here are really up against it. The state church and the government call evangelicals a Sect and make it nearly impossible for the work of God to gather momentum as they make the believers jump through lots of hoops to do their work. While we were there the YFC Moscow team had to send copies of their proposed Day Camp (next week) to the local government offices to be checked for religious content! Really..we don't know how blessed we are.

Here Malcolm and I are with two amazing servants of Jesus. Pastors Pavel and Marina Savelyev lead Dew 'Rosa' Church in Moscow. It is a large charismatic church which is pioneering Alpha and Youth Alpha into Russia. They are doing some amazing stuff working across the denominations (rarely done here, in some conversations it sounded just like home). This year for the first time Alpha has started making a movement into the state Othodox Church. That's big news...but don't tell to many people. The Priests who have started using it are being thrown out of their parishes.

From left to Right this is Nick (our amazing guide in Moscow) Director of YFC South Russia, Pavel Torchuk (Russian Minstries) Malcolm and Marina (Moscow YFC). It was such a privilege for me to meet and hang out with these amazing believers. These are the guys who are the real greats in the Kingdom of God. They are really giving their all for Gospel. Another wee snap in Red Sqare.

This last guy hugging Mal and I is Pastor Eugene, leader of Baptist Youth for Russia. This guy was really interesting. I was drawn to his passion and strategic mind but at the same time frustrated by his outdated approaches to ministry and his dislike of other churches outside of the Baptists. Our meeting with Eugene was a tough one but a great learning experience for me in Russian Christian Culture.

So what did I learn on my travels...God is Lord over the nations, It is possible to live for Jesus fully, the world still needs reached with the love and grace of Jesus, Russia needs missionaries, McDonalds tastes the same everywhere, Russian people are beautiful, the church in Russia needs annointed for its mission, prayer works and Jesus is Lord.

Being in Russia has led to some deep stuff happening in my own life and heart. I need to treasure it in my heart for a while and then I'll hopefully get to share it with you all.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Prayer and Preparation

Last Saturday night I preached a message at The SummerServe BBQ. If it had a title it would have been called something like "a proper response to the holiness of God"

I challenged the couple of hundred young people to make a response to God's call on his people into mission in the world.
Just two days after ushering such a high call to these kids, I laughed at God's sense of humour when Malcolm Johnston, the Regional Director for YFC across Eastern Europe called asking me to come with him to Moscow. Unfortunately I was moved into a place where I only response was, Yes Lord your servant is listening. So next Monday, Mal and I are heading across to Russia. I am terrified but also excited. I am sure my role will be minor but nevertheless I am willing to do whatever. Malcolm has called our trip a blind date. We are meeting with Bishops from the Baptist Union for Russia and also the Pentacostal church. The meetings are to discuss reaching young people across the nation. Russia is so massive. YFC have a staff member in St Petersburg on the western side, when she travels home to her family on the east coast, it takes 10 days by train.
I have a globe sitting on my desk in the office. Everyday I sit and spin it and then pray for cities, islands, nations, just wherever comes to me as this little ball spins. Since I agreed to tag along to Moscow with Mal, I have found that my globe has not been spinning, Russia is so big, I could be stuck there for a while.
Would value your prayers!

Friday, August 03, 2007

Holiday Reflections

So I have been home for almost two weeks. Week 1 was messed up. My jetlag was intense. I found myself sleeping constantly and even in week 2 I am still having to drag myself out of bed in the mornings. I am starting to feel more normal though. I love travelling but this time it has affected me so much.

This summer has been brilliant. It was just what the doctor ordered. Awesome experiences, adventure, quality time with Becci, new things, great food and good friends.

Bec has put some our holiday pictures online, so feel free to check them out. PICS

My favourite destination was Hong Kong. It was so different to anything I had experienced before. We soaked in the asian culture, ate local cuisine, did some class tours and laughed a lot.

Hong Kong is an amazing place and I think Rebecca and I would like to go back there in the future.

Everywhere we visited on our round the world trip was brilliant. It was like 5 separate holidays, each so unique with new experiences and its own memories engraved into our lives. My only regret was not taking longer in each destination and possibly adding in one or two more stops.

But I should not be greedy. I have lots more travelling to do this year. I am heading to Thailand with YFC in September and Canada later in the Autumn.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the pics!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Back home

Just a quick blog to let everyone know Bec and I have arrived home safely. We had a fantastic time away and arrived home last night. Today was spent catching up with sleep and seeing our families. As I reflect over the past three and a half weeks it blows my mind at how much the four of us squeezed in and how much fun we had. Over the next wee while I plan to blog and share some of our adventure but here is a brief overview.
1. 8 flights, some good, some short and a few killers, especially Fiji to LA.
2. Authentic Chinese DimSun. Slimy fishy and difficult to eat with chopsticks
3. Four wheel drive adventure in the Blue Mountains in Australia, wet, beautiful and lots of Kangaroos
4. Skiing, Zorbing and Luging in New Zealand
5. Snorkeling, sun bathing and working out in Fiji
6. Shopping in LA
I'm heading to bed now because I am back to work tomorrow. Can't believe it.
Bec is editing our holiday pics at this very minute so once they are ready I'll give a proper holiday blog.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Dream Team World Tour

One week to go...

The Dream Team, Bec, Sue, Johnny and me head of on our long awaited world tour. This time next Saturday we will be sitting in the departure lounge in Heathrow Terminal 3 waiting to board our first flight of 8! Our itinerary looks like this, London to Hong Kong (3 nights), HK to Sydney (5 nights), SDY to Auckland (5 nights) AKL to Fiji (5 nights) Fiji to Los Angeles (3 nights) and then home.

I am so excited. My summer normally involves missions teams and evangelism. This summer is gonna be all about adventure, making memories and taking in as much of the globe as I can in three and a half weeks. My wee Granny died about a year ago and she kindly left me a few thousand pounds to do something special with. This trip is that something special. Here are some of things I am really looking forward to...

* A helicopter tour of Hong Kong and trying proper chinese food

*Going to the Tri-nations game between Australia and South Africa at the Telstra Stadium in Sydney and popping along to the Hillsongs Conference

* Learning to Ski in New Zealand, visiting Devenport and doing a bungee jump

*In Fiji I plan to learn to wind-surf and possibly some Scuba diving

*Then experiencing LA, Holywood, great beaches, and possibly some shopping.

I am hoping, God willing, that this summer is going to be an amazing time of rest, renewal, fun, friendship, life and adventure. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Stevie & Steve

On Sunday, Stevie P and I were preaching (tag team) at Ballydown Presbyterian in Banbridge. It was a great day. In the morning Stevie spoke at the churches Kids Day Service and then I preached at the Youth Service in the evening. We were supported brilliantly by Pete and the Sebomai (Dromore YFC) worship band and Imagine (Dromore YFC) drama team. The sense of community and life in Ballydown was inspiring. It is a church driven towards relevance, engagement and mission. It was a blessing for us to be there. We had a fab day and even had some great craic hanging out in my garden in the sun in the afternoon. At YFCNI we have been blessed with a team of great communicators, preachers and teachers and yet one of the things I have realised as I have taken the helm at leadership is that these guys don't get themselves out into the local churches to preach God's word. So if you would like any of our team to come and preach at your church, yf, whatever...just let us know.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Loudinderry (Mannafest, Londonderry)

Had the privilege of preaching at Loudinderry on Saturday night. It was a great night, lots of young people, great music from Crave and BlueTree, exciting stories from Strong Words Ministry and then a good dose of the Word from me. It was an exciting event with a real sense of God. Looking forward to more opportunities in ministering in the West and North West of the province.

Here are a few pics from the event
This is me on stage doing the Hammer Test with Strong Words

This is BlueTree rocking out, leading an army of worshippers

Visited Belfast City Vineyard on Sunday morning with friends who worship there. It was really good. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of Bible teaching and authenticity of the gathering. Would recommend a visit to this church.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Getting fit!

A while ago I blogged about some of the things I hope to do in the next two years and two months, before I turn 30. One of them is getting fit. So for the past six weeks I have been back at the gym training hard. I have combined that with a few simple lifestyle choices such as giving up fizzy drinks and chocolate. It has been hard and has meant spending hours pounding the treadmill and rowing machines but six weeks into my programme and I have shed just over two stones, reducing my weight from 16 stone 4 to 14 stone. I still have another half a stone to go to my target of 13.5 and an awful lot of toning work but I am really glad I have gone on this journey. It has been a very spiritual experience for me. I have been having to learn to break some life long habits and praying about some of these has brought break through and strength. Fizzy drinks and chocolare have been in my daily diet for as long as I remember. My bro Glen and I always joke about being weened on Pepsi, but up until six weeks ago I would have been necking about 3-4 cans of Pepsi a day and throw in a few Mars Bars and very basic rugby training and 1 game a week and the result is a steady weight gain over the past four years. Quitting Pepsi is not just about losing weight though, it is about looking after my insides, my heart, my blood sugar (I have been borderline diabetic for the last few years) and also my teeth. I have had to go cold turkey and six weeks in I am now excited about drinking water (I could never have thought that possible)
Getting fit, for me, is not about looking good, rather it is in response to God's call on my life and in obedience to some of the things going on deeper within my soul. Leading YFC is going to take energy, passion, enthusiasm and more energy. As I find my fitness levels increase I find myself sleeping better at night, I am more alert and have higher energy levels during work, my stress levels are low and my clothes fit better.
The next stage of the journey is going to be more difficult, losing that next half a stone is gonna be tough. Diets don't work so I have not gone on one, I want the weight to stay off, so I am just eating what I normally eat, lots of cereal, bread, milk, pasta, chinese, pizza, all the yummy stuff.
I'll let you know how it goes.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Youth for Christ at Windsor Park

So last Saturday YFCNI played Crown Jesus a fundraising football match. We had the amazing opportunity of playing the Northern Ireland kit on the main pitch at Windsor Park. Like all Christian football matches, it got a bit hairy at times but it was a great day, great opportunity, great fundraiser and I got to stand in the goals that have been stood in by some of the great goalkeepers, including Pat Jennings, Paul Robinson, Tommy Wright, Roy Carol and many others...oh and keep a clean sheet. Final score YFC 3: CJM 0

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Name dropping!!!

So I was just at Parliament having a photoshoot with YFC and the First Minister!....

Thursday, May 10, 2007


God is so good. So this morning I prayed and asked God for money to get a new centre development worker for YFC. Youth for Christ currently has nine local centres with another couple in development right now. It is so exciting for me, as my heart is to see many more works established reaching out into the lives of young people outside of the church. Anyway, the workload in trying to support current centres and develop new ones is huge. Pete Martin carried this baton for many years doing a fantastic job and leaving behind a great legacy. So, to cut a long story short, this morning I said, God I need your leading, your guidance and your provision and this afternoon I got a cheque for £3500. God is awesome, freaky, but awesome.

If I look back over my ministry in YFC over the past four and a bit years I should not have been surprised! Here are a few of the exciting things that have happened on my faith journey, with regards to money

  1. When I started in Dromore YFC, there was only enough money to pay me for two months! Four years later when I left the ministry was supporting three paid staff and four interns

  2. In 2005 I led a team of ten YFC volunteers to a Leadership conference in Chicago. None of us had any money, we felt strongly that God wanted us to go and so most of the team borrowed money to book flights. When we got to Dublin Airport, we were met at the check in by an Aer Lingus rep, who asked us would we mind flying via London, and for our troubles wrote us a cheque for £7000, the cost of the entire trip, flights, hotel, car, insurance, conference and spending money!

  3. In 2006 we ran out of oil in The Base, it was £1000 for a fill, it was winter, freezing and Dromore YFC didn't have any money. I felt God saying that he had already provided the money and that all I had to do was the ask the volunteers? I sent a text round, communicating the need and within twenty minutes exactly £1ooo had been pledged by a group of teenagers!

  4. In 2006 my Cell really prayed for us when we were in real need financially, I remember sharing the burden with the men in our prayer group and how they passionately held on to God for me and Dromore YFC for finances. In the post over the next two days I received cheques for £8000!

  5. Yesterday I recieved a Standing Order from dear friends for £50 a month, how amazing. I have been trusting God for the provision of my salary and yet again He is providing.

  6. This morning I laid the need before God for a new Centre Development Worker for YFC and this afternoon He provided £3500

I am so privileged to have been called to a place where I get the opportunity to see God provide in such amazing ways. At times like this I wonder why I would ever want to walk in ministry where everything is secure and no trust is needed. Without faith it is impossible to please God...

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

New blogger

Finally talked Susanna into blogging although I had to set her up a blog and compose her first post!
Check it out on

Monday, April 30, 2007


So last night Rebecca and I paid a visit to our home church at Castlereagh Gospel Hall in Belfast. They were having a special outreach night. They normally just have a Gospel preacher who comes and preaches his we heart out, but last night they showed a Steve Chalke DVD. Rather forward thinking for a Brethren service. Afterwards though I was hearing whispers that Steve Chalke had gone of the rails and had gone away from evangelicalism. I thought I should do some research on this rather than listen to nasty rumours that get spread around. But right enough it seems that Steve Chalke has, in his latest book The Lost Message of Jesus, claimed that he doesnt believe in the doctrine of Penal Substitution. Penal what you say? That's what I thought...

Wikipedia is good on this one

"Penal substitution is a theory of the atonement within Christian theology, especially cherished by Evangelicals of the Reformed tradition. Penal substitution means that Christ is punished (penal) in our place (substitution), thus satisfying the demands of justice, so God can justly forgive. It is thus a specific understanding of substitutionary atonement, where the substitutionary nature of Jesus` death is understood in the sense of a substitutionary punishment. It is also a specific form of satisfaction doctrine which focuses on God's justice being satisfied by Christ's bearing the punishment meant for sinners."

So I was thinking, what does Steve Chalke think was happening to Jesus when he was on the cross... maybe I should read his book and find out. I'll add it to my holiday reading list.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Mrs

Was so pleased to discover that my wee wife has finally started blogging. She is much better at writing and articulating her thoughts than me so I will probably retire from the blogging world!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Gone home

Bec and I were woken early this morning with a call from Campbell, our Cell leader, letting us know that Lindsay Emerson had passed away to be with the Lord. Lindsay was a member of our home group and was one of the most beautiful people we have ever known. We will miss her. Our hearts go out to Ali and all the family. Please keep praying for the Anderson and Emerson families.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


I studied Romans 1 this morning preparing to teach it to my staff team at our new weekly Bible and Prayer session. It was good to be reminded of the truth that the Gospel (you know, the good news, the message) is actually God himself. Paul calls it the Gospel of God. God is the wonderful, mindblowing, life changing, grace dispensing Gospel. It's not about him, it is HIM.
The Gospel is not a type of service, a style of music or chosen preaching style but rather it is a revelation of God, it is God. It has the power to save anyone, because it is God, it has the desired goal of faith, because God loves faith, it has as it's substance, the person of Jesus Christ, because He is God, it has as its aim, the renown of His name because we were created for His glory. God is the Gospel, the Gospel is God. I love it. It is not a Protestant Gospel, it is not a rich man's Gospel, although it can save both. It has no preference and it is not limited to creed, nation, caste, class, sex or age. It is the power of God to save, because it is God. I guess we have to be careful not to miss God as we present the Good news. As it turns out, the Gospel, is not a three point sermon on a Sunday night but rather the one who designed night...if you know what I mean

Monday, April 16, 2007

Incase you missed it.

Just incase you missed my wee interview with Stephen Nolan on BBC Radio Ulster, Grierso at YFCNI managed to get a copy onto the YFC Blog. Check it out... I haven't, can't listen to my own voice! The Interview

Monday, April 09, 2007

Before I am 30

So Rebecca, Johnny & Susanna, my wife and best mates went for a walk on Saturday to Peaklands Park. We have great laughs on our walks, we talk about life, experiences, holidays and well, anything. On Saturday during the walk I was asked if I had a list of things I wanted to do before I was 3o. I am 27 now, turning 28 this July. So now I have started to think, what are the things I want/would like to do/experience before I turn 30?

Here are a few, being a strategicly minded guy they include the goal and the plan to reach it.

  • Get fit again (Rebecca and I are reopening our membership with David Lloyd's when we move back to Belfast. I am also setting myself the target of making every rugby training session next season and finally kicking my addiction to fizzy drinks. I am currently on day 3 of my cold turkey fizzy drink quit)

  • Travel (This summer me, Bec, Sue & Johnny are travelling around the world, stopping at Hong Kong, Sydney, Aukland, Fiji and Los Angeles. I also hope to travel to the Youth for

  • Christ General Counsel in South Africa in 2008.)

  • Spend more time with my friends and make new friends. (I would love to start a Bible study in my house, wherever that may be)

  • Learn to swim ( I can swim, but it's more like survival swimming, I would love to learn to swim properly.)

  • Learn how to Ski

  • Preach more

So there are probably more and they might not seem very exciting or very difficult but its only two years away!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A day to remember!

So yesterday the coolest thing happened to me. I had an idea over the weekend that I wanted to take the staff of YFCNI to Stormont to spend time intercessing for the new assembly, for the country and for young people in NI. When we got to the top of Stormont at Carson's Statue, who jumps out of his car, but the Rev Ian Paisley!
I waved over the road to him and he waved back, so Grierso said come on and we'll introduce ourselves. Allan and I ran across the road, to the obvious displeasure of the bodyguards who looked ready to pound us into the ground.

We told Ian that we were from YFC and we were at Stormont to pray. He was so pleased and started sharing his heart with us. Amazing. Then to our shock and without any prompting he just got lit up and started interceding and praying for us. I was in absolute shock and was completely zapped by God's power flowing out of this old man of the cloth. Thankfully Allan was just as blown away so I must not have been to stupid looking. It was spectacular and totally awesome. Something to remember. My father in law will be pleased when I tell him that Big Ian quoted JP Nicholson, a very famous Gospel preacher from yesteryear whom my father in law tels me about all the time.

Afterwards we went and had a brill time of prayer on the steps of Stormont. It was great. Garreth Falls from Dungannon started prophesying over us and over me as the new leader of YFC. He was telling us that there was significance in meeting Ian and having him pray with us and give us his blessing. He prophesied a response to my authority and that of YFC. Cool I thought.

After we finished praying a Security Guard approached us to ask would we like a tour of the parliament buildings, something that can only happen at the request of an MLA. Exciting. Garreth was loving it!

It was such a divinely appointed morning. It gives me so much hope and adds value and belief to my blog yesterday.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

New Blog

Just started a new Youth for Christ blog today, check it out

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Wonderful Opportunity!!!

Part of signing my life away to Youth for Christ is that I have to raise my own salary. Could you support me? Just a little...or a medium sized bit, or lots if you are rich? I would love you to consider investing in me, my ministry, Youth for Christ and young people in Northern Ireland.
If you can help, simply click on the picture, print it out and send it to me, either at home or at YFCNI.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The boys

Rebecca came along to

take some pics of me playing rugby recently. She was bored and back in the car before the game even kicked off. She did however get this pic. On the left is my bro Glen, and to the right of me, my brother-in-law Phil and my other brother-in-law Steve (both Bec's brothers). It's so cool getting to play with these guys every Saturday, it has given us great memories to share as a family and if there is ever a fight we have each others backs!!

This is a good pic. At this match, Grosvenor's 1st XV fielded 4 sets of brothers. How cool is that. And all 8 studied at Grosvenor Grammar School.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


So I have spent the last week and a half getting to know my new team at Youth for Christ NI. This is the team, minus Stevie P, who is behind the camera. They are great guys and have a lot of potential. We are excited about the next stage in the life and ministry of Youth for Christ. Please keep us in your prayers and on your hearts as we step out in faith looking to God to lead us, use us, provide for us.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Moving forward

This past week in my life has been lived out at such an amazing speed. I am so excited to be moving forward. In so many ways now I am moving forward. Rebecca and I have our house on the market and an offer accepted on a house in Comber. Our Cell in church has new members, new believers, new passion, it is exciting. Grosvenor are stepping up big time in rugby, developing constantly and YFCNI is about to kick into gear and go moving forward into the kingdom work of God. These are exciting times and we are trying to live out each day with a sense of expectation and also a committment to faith itself. We are trusting in the one who called us and we are leaning into him big time.
I am so aware of the importance of the journey now and not just the destination. I thank God for that change in perspective. I know where I want to be but I don't want to miss the potential off the journey.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Beating the traffic

So after two days of horrific traffic I decided I need to get out of bed earlier and try and avoid wasting over two hours a day sitting behind the wheel. I now leave my house at 6.50am and that gets me into work in half an hour. So I am now cutting my travelling time in two..sweet! This week has just dissappeared into eternity. Where did it go, seriously, I can't believe it is Friday.
My first week has been amazing. I am so in love with this ministry, with everything it is about, it is as if God has given me a new heart. I am so thankful to all you guys who have prayed for me and supported me this week. I just hope and pray that God will make me effective and annoint my ministry here in YFC. I need to raise around £900 a month in support and in the last two weeks about £350 of that has been committed by amazing friends and family. If any of you guys have the capacity to support me in anyway please let me know. I would be so excited to have you join me in this ministry of reaching young people all over Northern Ireland with the love of Jesus.
On another personal note please keep Bec and I in your prayers as we plan to put our house up for sale in the next week. It is proving to be quite stressful. We have our hearts on a wee townhouse, which would potentially give us better access to both our families and also both our jobs. But now the clock is ticking.

Monday, February 26, 2007

First day in the new job

I am enjoying the peace and qyuiet of my new office. Everyone has gone home for the day and I am catching some alone time. It has been a brilliant day. Since the moment I awoke this morning I have known the Shalom peace of God. I have received many emails and texts from Christians all over the world wishing me well and praying for me. It is such a humbling experience to know that people take time to pray for you. Thank you to all of you.
I have to say though I am exhausted today. I was away speaking to the wonderful youth of Orangefield Presbyterian this weekend and then I was preaching in Church last night. It was a fantastic weekend but my not so young body is starting to slow up and my bones ache.

I spent a while at lunch today sitting by the side of the River Lagan, I was thinking about how the same water flows past Dromore, alongside the Base, and makes its way to Belfast passing my new office. I was praying and asking God for another measure of his ever flowing grace as I serve him now just a few miles downstream.

My new email address is

Friday, February 23, 2007

God moment

So I am just back from dropping Pete's guitar pedal down to the Moyallon Centre, where Dromore Youth for Christ are hosting Dromore High School's Scripture Union weekend. It was such a wonderful expereince for me to walk in and see all the hard work these guys have done setting up what is going to be an amazing weekend as 60 young people meet God and hear his word. It was so cool so see Dinger, Lawsy, Pete, Sebomai, all these young people serving, setting up, putting up first aid posters, room plans, menus, everything that has to happen to make a weekend like this a success. I stayed only a few minutes because I was beginning to get emotional. These are my guys! God used me to disciple them, train them, equip them and now seeing them do their stuff without needing me is just such a wonderful feeling. To know that two years ago Kevin & Lawsy (the speakers on the weekend) were not even followers of Jesus, just blows my mind. Remembering that when Andy, Cheryl and I led the first SU weekend three years ago, thirteen kids came, causes me to stand in awe of God. He can do all things! I met the Lord this afternoon in my car on the way back from Moyallon and I said thank you for such an awesome group of young people in Dromore Youth for Christ. Thanks for trusting me to look after them for four years. Thanks for paying me to do it. It was all for you Lord.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


This Sunday I am speaking at my church, Emmanuel at their monthly outreach event Nooma. The subject I have been given 'Lonely?' is wrecking my head. I am so challenged about trying to say something worthwhile in the fifteen minutes I have to preach in a packed programme. God really put something on my heart but I am struggling to put it into words and also to bring practical application. I guess I am concerned that if there are people there on Sunday experiencing deep deep lonliness that I could cause hurt speaking about something that we all experience in different ways. Tomorrow I have the lovely job of preparing four youth talks for this weekend as I am away preaching at Orangefield Presbyerian's Youth weekend in Murlough. I get back Sunday afternoon and then into church to preach Sunday night...I have a feeling that come Monday morning and starting my new job, that I am gonna be busted. Well I met today with Allan and Judith, the Leadership Team with YFCNI, basically my right hand man and woman in my new post. It was a really focused time with a fusion of hearts, vision, ideas and community. I am excited about working with them both. I am so thankful for this new opportunity I have to serve Jesus and show his love to people. My prayer is that I will abandon myself completely to Him who is worthy and rest fully on his grace. I'll keep you posted on the journey.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Congratulations to David Bailie and Cheryl Cunningham who got engaged this weekend. Both are close friends and lovely people. Rebecca and I are excited to see where God takes them and uses them in their lives together. Hopefully Cheryl won't smooth out Davy too much as he continues to be one of the most passionate Jesus followers I know. Shalom to you both.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Enjoying a good rest!

This week has been so weird. I have been off with absolutely nothing urgent needing done. At first I was a little bit bored, but then I realised that this was an amazing opportunity for me to get some really good rest. So I have had a few long sleeps, lots of tv and a lot of quality social time with friends and family. It has been good. God's timing is so perfect. Rebecca and I have had a really brilliant week of re-discovering the goodness of God and the blessing it is to wait on his voice, his guidance and his grace. Our lives are about to change so much, the next six months for us are going to be so mad, so exciting, so terrifying but by faith we are trusting God for more of his abundant care. This week one verse of scripture has been living in me making me think and drawing me near, its found in 2 Corinthians, Paul writes

7But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.

I am being reminded of my need to depend completely on God and his power, recognising with real honesty just how frail and human I am. A lump of dust.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


So I am now officially finished in my job as Ministry Director for Dromore Youth for Christ. It has been such a wonderful four years drawing to a close on Friday past at our Fundraising Formal Dance. It was a wonderful night raising £2000 for the ministry and giving me a chance to say thanks and goodbye to the wonderful guys I have shared the journey with in Dromore. As I begin to face up to the reality that my life is about to change completely, I am thankful for a couple of weeks of to be renewed, to process my life, my walk with God, my call before I begin as Director of Youth for Christ NI on February 26th. I would value your prayers and support.

Thanks to everyone who has prayed, supported, volunteered, served, taught, learned, helped and encouraged us in our ministry in Dromore Youth for Christ. I look forward to hearing of how God continues to move and bless in Dromore in 2007 and beyond.

I love you all dearly in Christ.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Standing out for you

Rebecca snapped these flowers in Paris last Easter. After a bit of work on Photoshop she produced this awesome image. I love it.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Last week...

So I am now in my last week as Ministry Director of Dromore Youth for Christ. Hard to believe just how quickly time has gone. I have had so many ups and downs in my ministry in Dromore, but as I look back it's the ups that definately come to my mind. It's been so cool to see God move in so many lives. A real privilege. I just hope that as I move on some of that passion that has driven us in Dromore will come with me into my new ministry. I am getting all geared up for the formal on Friday night, organising music, games, seating, menus etc so I am absolutely flat out so I know that this week is going to fly in. Probably just what the doctor ordered. I've never been one for goodbyes so it will nice to get the head down this week and then say goodbye on Friday. Today is our Cell Fast. Once a month we fast together, meet up and pray and then have a meal at supper time. It is one of the highlights of the month for me despite the obvious lack of food in my belly and the tiredness I am feeling. Tonight we are praying for Lindsay, hopefully in expenctancy of the God of miracles to do his stuff.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


What an amazing morning I have had. I am feeling so thankful to be alive. I spent this morning hanging out with Neil Harrison, which involved some great chat, then speaking to Ali Emerson and then finally speaking to Lindsay Emerson. All three of these people inspire me, encourage me, bless me and so I am feeling totally inspired, encouraged and blessed. God is so good. I am just heading into Dromore High School to speak at the SU, on fasting. This will be my last time in the High School. I have so many happy memories there including crazy skits in assembly, carol service speaking, harvest services, weekends away, youth alpha. Thank you God for the wonderful open door into the high school to share your beautiful news.

Monday, January 29, 2007


So I am seriously counting down now...two weeks (ten days) left in my post in Dromore. I have been Ministry Director here for nearly four years. It has been such a wonderful journey. Through many ups and downs, dark times, awesome times, as I reflect back I can see the lovely faithful hands of Jesus on my life and work. I don't know why! In my head I am still the same waster that humbly gave his life to Jesus when he was 18 and stuggles everyday to follow him closely and be obedient to him. I guess though when you give your life to God it really is not about you anymore. It's all about him. I find my life covered in grace. I love you Jesus. You are the author and finisher of my faith and I thank you so much that you have not wiped your hands off me but have taken a tighter grip and you won't let go. I do not deserve your mercy and I have no claim upon your goodness but still you give it to me. Thank you. I am yours
Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens,
your faithfulness to the skies.
Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains,
Psalm 36: 5&6

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Packing up my books!

I have decided to start packing up my books. I have a few...about 500 which I need to move from my office in Dromore. I have a nice study in my house but the problem is, Rebecca has nicked all the shelf space for her teaching stuff. I don't know if my new office has book shelves or space for books. My plan is to pickout about 200 that I use and need and put the rest in my roofspace. But I am not excited about climbing up and down ladders with all those boxes. It has been such a great week. I have been overwhelmed with peace. It is as if God is pouring it over my life like a waterfall. Everytime I try to stress about leaving Dromore or becoming the National Director, I hear God say the most beautiful things to me. Today he told me he loves me, it made me smile and be still for a moment and enjoy those amazing words. One thing that has occupied my mind a lot though this week is Lindsay Emerson. Lindsay is really sick and my heart is really breaking for her and Ali. Lindsay is in my home group and every Monday night as we pray for her I feel pain so deep inside and I can't explain it. I find myself questioning God and yet at the same time praying to him and trusting him. I cant imagine what Ali and Lindsay must be experiencing but their faith continues to inspire me and keep me focusing on the main things! Rebecca printed out Lindsay's picture and stuck it on our fridge. When somebody goes onto our fridge they are definately gonna get prayed for given the amount of time Peter and I spend going in and out for food and drinks.

Lord, will you reveal your majesty in Lindsay Emerson's life.

Friday, January 19, 2007

New Car

I got a new car today. Rebecca and I are going to have to travel separately when I take up my new post in March. Choosing a car is so much harder than I thought. I was trying to consider the milage I would be doing, the insurance, what I need in terms of size etc. I spent a few hours driving around and a whole lots of hours on autotrader looking for a Golf but they are so expensive. Anyways today I picked up my car from Agnews. Its a really nice Megane, diesel, cheap insurance, cheap tax, low milage and the best bit, the previous owner put in a bluetooth car kit for your phone. Exactly what I need! I have bought it with faith that God is gonna provide the extra money we need to run a second motor. Anyway I have put on a wee pic so you will recognise me if you see me out cruising!

Thursday, January 18, 2007


I have started to prepare for the transition that is about to hit my life. Nothing about my decision to leave Dromore, and move to YFCNI has really sunk in. It is all in my head, filed under, the unreal! It just doesnt feel real. I know its true, but that doesnt make it feel any more real. I have my date for leaving, Friday 9th February. This means the formal will be my last night at Dromore Youth for Christ. I will definately need to pack a hanky that night. I have spent a lot of time praying this week. I dont say that so sound spiritual. I am not great at praying, but this week, more than anyweek, I have found myself having to lean on God, throwing my fears and worries on him. If he got sore heads, I think I would have given him one. Thankfully God doesnt even grow tired! I am going to write a series of blogs reflecting on the last four years in Dromore, so watch this space. Hopefully you will get encouraged as you hear stories of God's grace and mercy in the lives of a bunch of ragamuffin misfits who want to follow Jesus. I'll start tomorrow.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

New Direction

I am leaving Dromore Youth for Christ. I need to keep saying it to help me come to terms with the reality of it. I guess I just always thought I would be in The Base. This morning I got a call from the chairman of Youth for Christ Northern Ireland offering me the position of National Director. Its 16 hours later and I am still in shock. I didn't think I had performed well in my interview last night, so I was just blown away when I got a call the next morning telling me I had been successful and was being offered the post. Wow! I need to keep reminding myself that this is real. It has been such a weird day. I have experienced so many emotions, excitement, joy, fear, sadness, encouragement, discouragement, support. I am shattered. I

will take up the post at the beginning of March. This will hopefully give me all the time I need to really finish well in Dromore and make preparations for the new role in March. I would value prayer for everyone involved in the transition, for Rebecca and I, my beloved family in Dromore, the team at YFCNI and all my financial and prayer supporters.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Listening to myself?!

I hate listening to myself preaching. I thought I might get used to it but not yet! I found the podcast of myself preaching at Manafest last year and I gave it a wee never get used to hearing your own voice. yuk!!

Spent two hours this morning working through conflict with the team here in the office. It was heavy and I am shattered. I always do my best to avoid it but always feel the same about conflict after it is's actually good. It allows God his right to shape our lives...

Been thinking a lot today about Paul's message in Athens, in The Message is reads class...
"The God who made the world and everything in it, this Master of sky and land, doesn't live in custom-made shrines or need the human race to run errands for him, as if he couldn't take care of himself. He makes the creatures; the creatures don't make him. Starting from scratch, he made the entire human race and made the earth hospitable, with plenty of time and space for living so we could seek after God, and not just grope around in the dark but actually find him. He doesn't play hide-and-seek with us. He's not remote; he's near. We live and move in him, can't get away from him! One of your poets said it well: 'We're the God-created.' Well, if we are the God-created, it doesn't make a lot of sense to think we could hire a sculptor to chisel a god out of stone for us, does it? God overlooks it as long as you don't know any better—but that time is past. The unknown is now known, and he's calling for a radical life-change. He has set a day when the entire human race will be judged and everything set right. And he has already appointed the judge, confirming him before everyone by raising him from the dead."

Monday, January 08, 2007


Back at work today after nearly three weeks off for my holidays. It has been such a great holiday, I feel renewed, refreshed and refocused. I have set some goals for the incoming year and I am excited to see where I will be in six months. 2006 was a hard year. I struggled through mostly and never really seemed to do more than crawl, so much for running the race. It finished well though in that it finished. I am glad to see the back of 06 and the dawning of a new year, filled with potential and hope and dreams and vision. I love the possibility of new things this year, letting go of old things, old struggles, old issues, unfulfilled dreams and unreached goals. I love the thought of a God who wipes the slate clean, says, go for it, have another crack, take another shot. Have faith in yourself, have faith in Me. I guess the biggest challenge I face is believing in myself, walking in my identity, trusting in Christ, and throwing my full heart on God, a God I can depend on. God was faithful last year and will be faithful in the year to come.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Just home from speaking at Scrabo in Newtownards. I was teaching the YF about impacting their schools for Christ. It was a good session followed by some really good discussion groups. Speaking is weird, I never really enjoy it at the time, and every word will replay in my head tonight when I go to bed, but then peace will come and I will be able to trust that I did what I was asked and I gave glory to the One who deserves it. I had a couple of great chats after the session. One in particular left me asking a lot of questions. I talked to an Italian friend who is struggling in ministry here because of the lack of passion Christians have for Christ (misnomer I know) His Italian culture is one of young Christians passionately and devotedly following Jesus and here he finds that young Christians are apathetic and lethargic. Anyways the question we came to together is this...what gives passion? Young Christians in Ireland have theology, have legacy but where will they find passion? I don't know

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I have not had the chance to blog in ages. I was away for a few days with Bec and I agreed not to bring my laptop even though the hotel had free internet access. I have actually really enjoyed the holidays, I have got to spend quality time with my babe, good times with our family and even fun with friends.

I did however do something completely out of character during the break...I went and spent an undisclosed amount of money on a Nintendo is amazing.

I am not obsessed with it or anything but it is so cool. Bec and I have been having tennis matches, bowling tournaments and boxing bouts. Basically its as close to virtual reality gaming as is out there and it rocks.

I also started a new book. It is actually a combo of older publications by Dr Brand and Phillip Yancey. It is called In the likeness of God. I recommend it.

Oh Happy New Year 2007