Saturday, January 13, 2007

New Direction

I am leaving Dromore Youth for Christ. I need to keep saying it to help me come to terms with the reality of it. I guess I just always thought I would be in The Base. This morning I got a call from the chairman of Youth for Christ Northern Ireland offering me the position of National Director. Its 16 hours later and I am still in shock. I didn't think I had performed well in my interview last night, so I was just blown away when I got a call the next morning telling me I had been successful and was being offered the post. Wow! I need to keep reminding myself that this is real. It has been such a weird day. I have experienced so many emotions, excitement, joy, fear, sadness, encouragement, discouragement, support. I am shattered. I

will take up the post at the beginning of March. This will hopefully give me all the time I need to really finish well in Dromore and make preparations for the new role in March. I would value prayer for everyone involved in the transition, for Rebecca and I, my beloved family in Dromore, the team at YFCNI and all my financial and prayer supporters.


billysetsfire said...

Happy for you big man. I'll get a group of some big boys to protect you. As Head of Security it's my job.

How do you tag someone on this thing?

Bec McCready said...

I'm so proud of you! You're amazing!You've come such a long way. I still remember what you were like before you were a christian but you've come so far since then and are growing more and more each day. I love you and I'm with you every step of the way and I know that God has His hand upon this and will be with us as we make some big changes in our lives over the next while, Love you x

charlie said...

glad to hear about this mate.

always getting positive vibes from the dromore direction.

look forward to the stories from the national office.

Unknown said...

Funny I fancy directing a centre again. Its been nearly 10 years.. whens the interviews for the Dromore post? Would they be interested in a part-timer? ;-)

Congratulations big lad!!