Thursday, January 18, 2007


I have started to prepare for the transition that is about to hit my life. Nothing about my decision to leave Dromore, and move to YFCNI has really sunk in. It is all in my head, filed under, the unreal! It just doesnt feel real. I know its true, but that doesnt make it feel any more real. I have my date for leaving, Friday 9th February. This means the formal will be my last night at Dromore Youth for Christ. I will definately need to pack a hanky that night. I have spent a lot of time praying this week. I dont say that so sound spiritual. I am not great at praying, but this week, more than anyweek, I have found myself having to lean on God, throwing my fears and worries on him. If he got sore heads, I think I would have given him one. Thankfully God doesnt even grow tired! I am going to write a series of blogs reflecting on the last four years in Dromore, so watch this space. Hopefully you will get encouraged as you hear stories of God's grace and mercy in the lives of a bunch of ragamuffin misfits who want to follow Jesus. I'll start tomorrow.